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Things to remember

So you went out and dropped the $200 for RockBand... that's awesome... or you went out and bought Guitar Hero III, that just makes you even awesomer...

just remember these things:

1. No matter how good you get at Rock Band, you will never play the Coachella festival.

2. Nobody ever won his soul back from the real devil playing the ax that came with Guitar Hero III.

3. Playing a Guitar Hero or Rock Band guitar is a fairly effective form of birth control. Seriously, look at yourself in the mirror. No one who sees you playing this thing will want to have sex with you.

4. The plastic Guitar Hero guitar is pretty much useless around the campfire. (Even as kindling.)

5. If you get "Mississippi Queen" stuck in your head for more than two hours, consult a physician immediately.

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November 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersahin1977

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