Entries in Movie Review (23)


Mark's Review: Adaptation

So I had heard great things about Adaptation written by Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine, Being John Malk) from co-founder of Wax Idiotical Kyp Pilalas; so I threw it in my netflix quene, and sure enough it finally arrived...
note: that's not a jab at netflix, that's a jab at the fact that i have 300+ movies/tv shows in my quene.

And I loved it. It's edgy and funny, annnnnddd.... strange.

I'm not entirely sure as to why I loved it; but I definitely feel like it was not a waste of my time watching it. Nick Cage does a fantastic job through out both as Charlie Kaufman and his twin Donald Kaufman. Yes he plays Charlie Kaufman, who's a screenwriter... who's VoiceOver often times mentions how narcistic he is for putting himself in his own script... but it works.

I'd say it's like watching a David Lynch movie because of how twisted everything is, not in a weird way... well yeah in a weird way but also in a comical way. At one point you witness Charlie having an epiphany on how to open the movie he's writing... and he's writing the beginning of the movie that you just watched... at another point he's reading into a tape recorder about how he just read into a tape recorder...

confused? bewildered? interested? you should be. Definitely rent this flick, it's a good time, and if for no other reason, Nick Cage returns to a strong acting style that I haven't seen from him in a long time. As well as the hilarious scenes between Nick Cage and.... Nick Cage.
mm out


Mark Reviews: The United States of Leland

 Let's set the stage:

I have NO idea what this movie is about... I turn it on... it opens with a voiceover from a very young ryan gosling... then it's a kid laying on the ground stabbed to death....

ok... yeah... attention grabbed.

It goes on to be a tale of a truly emotionally scarred kid who's made a terrible mistake.  It also follows a prison teacher (Don Chealde who I've yet to see in anything that i didn't love him in!) who wants to get to the core of Leland (Ryan Gosling).

Along the way we also meet Leland's ex girlfriend who i recognized from Donnie Darko, who's sister is Michelle Williams, who all live in a house together with Michelle's boyfriend Chris Kline.... now at the beginning, NONE OF THAT MAKES SENSE... but the director did a good job of jumping around in a timeline introducing all the characters and how they relate to the storyline.

If you're in the mood to watch something heavy with not a whole lot of laughs but with some great acting, and great story definitely check it out.


10 Things

Ok, so it's no secret that Kyp and I are huge fans of Joseph Gordon Levitt, and with the approaching release of The Dark Knight featuring none other than Patrick Verona (Heath Ledger) what better movie to throw on in the thought of, "hey...i can turn this off at any point since i've seen it so many times"... and now i'm about hour and half into it... SUCH A GOOD MOVIE.

It's weird to think how many things i've said in the past have been heavily influenced by this film.  and yeah... i called it a film... it's amazing!!! YOU ADAPT SHAKESPEARE AND SEE HOW IT COMES OUT!!!

"...annnndddd i'm BACK IN THE GAME!!!"

if only.


WaxIdiotical's Video Review: Iron-Man

OK, this one works, I swear!

WaxIdiotical's Video Review: Iron Man from Mark Marshall on Vimeo.


WaxIdiotical's Video Review: Iron-Man